Sunday 28 June 2009

Hot Choffee

Rather than babble incessently on about something you don't care about, I thought I'd take a more personal approach this time and drill a hole in the wall of the dressing room that is my life, and allow you to ogle me in ways never before seen. Again, possibly something you don't care about.

So since I never, ever, ever do anything the slightest bit interesting with my life, I thought I'd tell you about something I finished drinking about 5 minutes ago.

Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you: THE HOT CHOFFEE

Okay, okay, so mine didn't look EXACTLY like this...I mean, this picture was obviously taken from some fancy coffeehouse in America where clean-cut businessmen go to unwind. I on the other hand used this cup:

(Image actually contributed by me)

I like think that my humorous choice of cup is a lack of hauteur, rather than style. Anyway, it's not what's on the outside (of the cup) that counts, it's what's on the inside (of the cup). And what was inside of the cup was a strange and arousing blend of sweet, creamy hot chocolate and strong, bitter coffee which stirred feelings of both curious pleasure and mild xenophobia within me.

Perhaps it's just the deceivingly warm weather that my north-western European body is unaccustomed to, but I found the mixture a bit too much for me. Granted it was tasty, but the two different flavours were just too contrasting for me, creating a sort of sickly, cloying mixture which stuck to my palette long after I'd wanted it to. In fact, I found the whole experience so unbearable that I had to gulp down a few mouthfuls of water just to relieve myself of that sensory reminder determinedly lingering in my mouth.

I guess you could say this was a learning experience for me. I've learnt never to step outside the boundaries of what I know and have been taught. I've learnt never to use my freewill to try and create new things. I've learnt that what is homely is best, and that anything foreign should be sampled curiously and with suspicion. But most of all, I've learnt that drinking hot chocolate on humid, summer days is not only stupid, but also reinforces the theory that had modern society not completely obliterated natural selection with a comforting, nanny blanket of love, free healthcare and constant food supplies, I would most certainly be lying in a ditch somewhere being chewed on by a herd of rabid zebras.

~Tell me I'm pretty.


  1. Drinking choffee [otherwise known as a Swiss Moccha] in this weather! you're mental!

    and you're pretty sweetie, in a manly, macho way though :W

  2. Oh you're just British, you'll never become so advanced as to drink coffee on daily bases - just stick with the tea. (A)

    And Elfa, "choffee", really?


A hundred years from now, when a Master's Degree becomes the benchmark for a McDonalds burger flipper position, someone will read your post and think you a tard. That being said, feel free to leave feedback. (: